Setlist - 8 Jul 2018
Morning Worship at Kings

  • [G] Oh our Lord and King - Alan Rose
  • [G] Praise is rising - Brenton Brown, Paul Baloche
  • [G] And can it be - Charles Wesley
  • [G] What can I do - Graham Kendrick, Paul Baloche
  • [Em] The God of Abraham Praise - Thomas Olivers, Daniel ben Judah, Meyer Lyon
  • [E] We believe in one God - Chris Juby
  • [E] Way Maker - Sinach Joseph
  • [E] I'm gonna trust in God - Steve Earl

Some Kings standards and a really eclectic mix of others on a hot and powerfully Gospel morning.

Every other week we have flags and shakers to help the kids join in with worship. I don't always plan with that specifically in mind, but I did today. It was an uptempo opening set with lots of Kings favourites. Partly because it's good for us to just celebrate, and partly because I wanted to give myself room for a much more varied response set.

Stephen preached powerfully and fairly briefly on the life of Abraham, so we had a good amount of time for response. I've been brewing the hymn 'The God of Abraham Praise' for this Sunday for a few weeks. I'll post separately about that, but it seemed to go surprisingly well for a relatively obscure 300-year-old adaptation of a Jewish hymn. The theme was bang on, which helped.

Out of there into my 'Unshakeable' linking on magnifying God and looking to our future hope; then after a few spoken contributions, into 'Way Maker' to pick up the theme of journey and overcoming struggle with faith. There was such a deep sense of reverence at the end of that song and after a few more prophetic contributions that I had us stand in silence for a minute while we took it all in. 'Trust in God' rounded things off very well.

Such a random collection of songs for response but I knew even as I was prepping that they were the right ones and that was the right order. Intuition and inspiration combining for a peculiar kind of open-minded certainty. It's encouraging to feel that.

I love the way our worship times are opening up at the moment. There was a good amount of chaos this morning, and I leaned completely into that. God is at work amongst us. There's no need to make things polished.

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