Setlist - 25 Oct 2015
Sunday morning at Kings

Tags: actions

  • [C] Our God saves - Paul Baloche, Brenton Brown
  • [G] I reach up high - Judy Bailey
  • [G] Praise is rising - Brenton Brown, Paul Baloche
  • [Bb] God is Love - Nick and Becky Drake
  • [E] How deep the Father's love for us - Stuart Townend
  • [A] Holy - Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin, Jason Ingram
  • [A] Agnus Dei - Michael W Smith
  • [A] We will trust in God our Saviour - Chris Juby

Another excellent action worship Sunday, another slightly surreal juxtaposition with the tone of the sermon and response.

I still can't get over how enthusiastically everyone joins in with the actions on these Sundays. It's almost overwhelming having over 300 people jumping and spinning around. I love the atmosphere, but I also pondering whether there's any way to make this kind of worship friendly for introverts.

After the second verse of 'I Reach Up High', Fay went out into the congregation to get a sample of what action people were doing for the "I want my actions every day to do the same" line. That's a great hook.

After 'Praise is Rising', Fay led a time of quieter imaginative reflection before we taught 'God is Love'. That's certainly one way of including good content with a quieter tone. I think Nick and Becky Drake who wrote 'God is Love' were once members of Kings (before my time), so that was a fun link to make as I taught the song. It went well, particularly considering I'd left my copies of the chords at home so the band was busking a little more than usual.

By sharp contrast, the sermon was on Romans 11 and Israel's role in God's continuing purposes. A heavy theme, but one that leads us to wonder at our inclusion in God's mercy. That was my focus as I picked up afterwards.

'How Deep the Father's Love' was a very fitting response, and 'Holy' picked up the themes very well with it's opening line "What heart could hold the weight of your love?" and the fantastic final verse:

And you will come again in glory
To judge the living and the dead
All eyes will look on your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like our God?

By that point there was a deep sense of reverence in the room. 'Agnus Dei' caught that tone very well. I don't often use that song because everyone seems to expect to come in for the verse lines at different times, but I led with the shortest possible gaps and it worked fine.

I'm finding my 'We Will Trust' a very useful song for all kinds of contexts. (Do give it a listen if you don't know it!) This morning the second verse lines "your hope is everlasting and your purpose ever sure" were a perfect note to finish on.

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