Spirit You're Here

by Rebecca Beese, Chris Juby


Spirit, you’re here,
moving among us,
your holy presence with us now.
Spirit, you’re here,
stirring within us,
searching our hearts as we cry out.

Come in your power, we need your anointing,
oh, move among us.
Speak to us, guide us, renew and revive us,
oh, move among us now.

Spirit, you’re here, drawing us deeper,
filling our hearts with perfect love.
Spirit, you’re here,
freeing the captives,
sealing the promises of God.

Spirit, you're here,
making us holy:
no condemnation now in Christ.
Spirit, you’re here,
leading us onward,
raising us up to glorious life.

Come in your power, we need your anointing,
oh, move among us.
Speak to us, guide us, renew and revive us,
oh, move among us.
Comfort, inspire us, convict and refine us,
oh, move among us.
Strengthen, empower us, come, make us like Jesus,
oh, move among us now.

© Rebecca Beese & Chris Juby / Resound Worship (admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd, copyrightmanager@jubilatehymns.co.uk)
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There never seem to be enough songs on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Rebecca invited me to co-write with her on this one. We packed as many of the things that the Holy Spirit is described as doing in the life of the believer in Romans 8 into the lyrics.